Friday, November 21, 2008

Shuffle, Shuffle, Shuffle

Fig. 1. Philip Guston - Painting, Smoking, Eating, 1972-3

'Where do you put a form? It will move all around, bellow out and shrink, and sometimes it winds up where it was in the first place. But at the end, it feels different, and it had to make the voyage. I am a moralist and cannot accept what has not been paid for, or a form that has not been lived through.'

Philip Guston

Your Ears Will Orgasm #10: Relatively New (MixPod Player)

1. Goldfrapp - A&E
2. The Ting Tings - Be The One
3. Vampire Weekend - Everywhere
4. Feist - Sea Lion Woman
5. Deerhoof - The Tears And Music Of Love
6. Hot Chip - Ready For The Floor